Tell No One is a very enjoyable thriller/mystery. It's not mind-blowing, it's not completely original in any way, and it’s just a solid film with suspense, action and an engaging story. However, you might want to bring a pad and paper to get everything straight while you're watching it. This isn't a film you can watch while doing something else or you'll miss some very important information. You have to pay attention and store bits and pieces as you go along to remember later. The fact that it is French with subtitles may make that difficult for some people. I was prepared going in, so it wasn't too bad. I did have to rewind once or twice to make sure I had everything straight. Unlike some thrillers that try to be too smart for their own good, the rug isn't pulled out from under you for a "gotcha!" ending. It is actually pretty masterful how the filmmakers were able to put everything together in a way that keeps the viewer guessing, keeps the truth hidden until the final minutes, all without making us feel cheated or duped. The way everything unravels makes complete sense. Although it might seem like they are, the answers are not delivered in a nice neat box with a bow. I enjoy when filmmakers assume the viewers are smart enough to put everything together themselves.
In my last post I stated how I wasn't going to bother laying out the plot and all of the characters in my reviews anymore, and I will stand by that for this film, however you should know that there A LOT of characters to keep track of. Again, you just have to play close attention and you'll be fine. After the conclusion you might think something was left uncovered, there had to be a loose end or that something was ignored along the way. I'll bet you fifty bucks you won't be able to find anything. As I said before it is truly masterful how the filmmakers were able to piece everyone and everything together. I also implore you not to read any reviews where the plot points or scenes are discussed. Go into this one blind, it's so much more enjoyable that way. You will most likely read the basic synopsis, which is fine as that is just the tip of the iceberg. The direction is very good, the acting is solid (Francois Cluzet is exceptional), and there are some very beautiful scenes, some creative photography as well as an outstanding soundtrack. You might slip up, but Tell No One doesn't, I promise you.
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